Organic farming

Organic farms relies on,
- Living soil: The most vital requirement for an organic farm is soil contains with microbial activity, fungi, nematodes and other tiny insects.
- Soil enrichment: This is a fundamental duty of an organic farmer. There are several different natural methods, such as green manuring, composting, vermi composting and bio fertilisers. Increase your production yields while increasing the sustainability of the soil.
- Plant diversity (Intercropping): Organic farmers practise planting a mix of seasonal crops simultaneously in a given plot. This is known as intercropping, which is considered as the practical application of ecological principles such as diversity, crop interaction and other natural regulation mechanisms.
- Crop rotation: One of the keys to success of any farm will be to have a good crop rotation. Organic farmers believe in crop rotation to boost yields and manage pests.
- Natural pest control: Instead of using killer pesticides organic farmers opt for a mix of natural methods like handpicking, Neem cake, tulsi, chilly, pheromone traps and bio pesticides to control pest. Another smart tactical method is the planting of trap crops - plants that divert pests away from the main crops.
- Mulching: To reduce the water evaporation from soil, organic farmers use mulching techniques. Mulch is any type of material that is spread or laid over the surface of the soil to maintain the moisture.
- Rainwater harvesting: System of collecting rainwater for future needs also important in organic farming. Read more about rainwater harvesting techniques.
- Zero waste agriculture (ZWA): is a type of sustainable agriculture where waste of each process becomes the feed stock for another process. For Integrated farming process we provides the technology for biogas digester the heart of the Zero waste Agriculture system.
- Avoid heavy Machinery: Sustainable farming propagates minimal tillage, so that there is least disturbance to the soil's ecosystem. Heavy machineries tear up the top soil in excess of planting requirements and the loosened soil is then subject to wind and rain erosion. But controlled tillage allows crop residues to "lock" the topsoil against erosion.
- Local sourcing: Organic farmers source locally produced seeds and saplings to grow crops that are indigenous to the region. This not only enhances the chances of a successful crop, but also minimizes environmental footprints.
if you want further information on organic farming , you can visit the online resources linked to each subsection section of this page. We are providing training consultancy on organic farming. For more details, Please write to Our technical experts will contact you for further assistance.